
Love's Labour's Lost Poster.jpg



"All the actors gave a fine performance and their addressing the audience only enhanced Wilde's dialogue, making his snide remarks on high society sound all the more snobbish and gossipy...Wood paneling, shelves of yellowing books, and the tinkling of cocktail shakers in the background bring alive the references to the Gentlemen's Clubs of London that Algie and Jack Worthing frequent." -- [This] Girl Friday

 "It's still just as relevant as ever over a hundred years later" -- Melting Grape







"Lo and behold, the lines aren't ancient at all; the dialogue makes perfect sense, the jokes become hilarious, and the physical comedy is as well-played as a Three Stooges routine...Shira has the cast to pull it off.  The entire cast of twelve plays as a unit, running on and off as if being chased by Elmer Fudd.  They all handle the dialogue with skill and wit...Director Shira even manages to make the play's ending...believable and even touching, and her cast rises to the occasion...a glorious evening of theater." -- Patrick Brassel,

"The direction by Shira and the performances of her entire cast pull the play from rather mundane to an exceptional example of pros at work (and play)...Maller's Holofernes is a scream and a highlight of the show.  Chaves is lovely to look at and has a lovely voice to match.  And Boucherot almost steals the show...He is a delight, as they all are.  I recommend this show on a warm summer night, sipping wine and eating chicken on a blanket next to a loved one." -- Dennis Sparks

"...In the outdoor courtyard at Milepost 5...all attention turns to the characters, a choice that works well with such a likable cast.  Jim Vadala offers a memorable performance as the king's friend Berowne... Danielle Frimer as the princess steals scenes with her sharp-tongued quips and subtle touches of sadness and amusement as she goes from feigning affection for the king to feeling sincere love."  -- Willamette Week

Poster design by Shinyume and Adele Han Li

Poster design by Victoria Neiman



"And, probably the most important member of the team, the director, Shira, gives us a solid production...  To create a recipe for art on a bare space is no small feat, but in the hands of a professional baker, it seems like…a piece of cake." -- Dennis Sparks Reviews

"Riveting and delightful and frustrating and adorable and aggravating and ridiculous all rolled into one." -- Notes from a Shakespeare Nerd






 "Phantomwise is exquisitely performed...  Gracefully directed by Avital Shira, the show is performed by seven deft actors." --

"As deftly directed by Avital Shira with clockwork efficiency, the action of the play is contained on the stage of the Connelly Theater between two rows of chairs, stage left and stage right. Onstage at all times, the performers use these chairs and a minimum of props to create various settings.  Phantomwise occurs as if in its own wonderland, where dreams and reality intertwine." --


Poster design by Sophia Janowitz


"It’s brilliant: the costumes are stunning, the music sensational, the sets lovely, the timing perfect, all the characters amazing, and every performance inspired. I loved it, and can think of very little that could be improved." -- Notes from a Shakespeare Nerd